We care with love,
we live with dignity

A Model Home

Trusted professional care

Imágen sección hogar modelo

A Model Home

Trusted professional care

The Hogar Manos de Jesús is a social welfare organization, founded in 1992 and declared to be of Public Interest, it is a a work of love in favor of the elderly que sufren soledad y abandono

Guadalupe de Cartago, Costa Rica

From Francisca Carrasco School, 50 meters southwest, on the road to the Industrial Park

Your support is invaluable

Your generosity can make a big difference in the lives of our elderly
Every contribution, big or small, has a significant impact
Help us continue providing a dignified and loving environment to our residents

Current Account


IBAN Account



Customer Account


Each donation makes a difference in our service

Quality medical care Nutritious food Recreational activities and therapies Improvements in the facilities habitacion comedor

We are a trustworthy and credible institution,
endorsed by social welfare organizations

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