About Us Learn more about our Hogar Manos de Jesús

Origin of the home


A humble, educated man grateful to God is the inspiration and founder of Hogar Manos de Jesús. His name: Bienvenido Arias Navarro, a well-known figure in Cartago, popularly referred to as "Gallinita" (Little Hen). He earned his living by hauling sacks at the market, for which he said he was paid a peseta.

Bienvenido was a man of few words, but his simple phrases invited reflection: "One must be honest." "One must be grateful." "One must respect women."

Origin of the home

A humble, educated man grateful to God is the inspiration and founder of Hogar Manos de Jesús. His name: Bienvenido Arias Navarro, a well-known figure in Cartago, popularly referred to as "Gallinita" (Little Hen). He earned his living by hauling sacks at the market, for which he said he was paid a peseta.

Bienvenido was a man of few words, but his simple phrases invited reflection: "One must be honest." "One must be grateful." "One must respect women."



Dining room and kitchen
Multipurpose Room
Therapy rooms
Sanitary Services


Food and Nutritional Care
Dignified Shelter
Hygiene and Clothing
Medical Care and Nursing
Physical, Occupational, and Recreational Therapy
Social Work
Spiritual Care
Fondo lila con mano

"Sometimes we feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less if it lacked that drop"

Santa Teresa de Calcuta

Fondo lila

Hogar Manos de Jesús is the largest home in Guadalupe de Cartago and does not charge for the services it provides. It was created to protect abandoned elderly people who have nothing, who are in situations of neglect, homelessness, social risk, extreme poverty, lacking support networks, those who have no material or spiritual possessions, and who are dependent to varying degrees

Foto instalaciones

Who are we?


To meet the physical, biological, psychological, social, emotional, material, and spiritual needs of the residents, considering the autonomy of each individual, their skills and abilities, in order to provide them with a better quality of life, involving the community in the process


To transform the Hogar Manos de Jesús into a Model Home regarding the quality of life and services offered to its residents, in a that they receive more and better care every day, allowing it to increase the number of residents and maintain the excellence of the services it provides

Foto jardín

Your support is invaluable

Your generosity can make a big difference in the lives of our elderly
Every contribution, big or small, has a significant impact
Help us continue providing a dignified and loving environment to our residents

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Frequently Asked Questions

Donaciones y Voluntariados
Donations and Volunteering
Admitting an Elderly Person

Can my donation be deducted from income tax?

Yes, we are an authorized organization to receive donations. If needed, we can issue the corresponding receipts

I have some items to donate, do you accept donations?

We accept certain items. You can contact us for more details

I’m a nursing student, can I do my clinical practice there?

Yes, we offer clinical practice opportunities. Please contact our team for more information

Are internships available?

Yes, please send your application to info@hmjcr.org

I’d like to volunteer, how can I get involved?

Call 8924-5361 or email nelmadeca@hotmail.com

Is it possible to do community service at the shelter?

Yes, please send a letter from your school or university to coordinacionad@hmjcr.org

Would you like to work with us?

Please send your resume to recepcion@hmjcr.org